happy thanksgiving

No turkey for me. No cranberries. No Macy's parade. So, none of that to be thankful for then. I suppose that I can be thankful for the lack of (American) college football.

Other than that, the day has really been (BrE) pants, with one bit of silver lining (ooh, silver-lined pants! how posh!): The Home Office phoned to say that I should disregard the letter in which they denied me citizenship, as my documents have turned up. So, I'm thankful for that.

I've postponed my Thanksgiving until next week, when friends are available to help celebrate. We have a tradition (based on, but more involved, than my family tradition) of pausing before each course to go around the table and say one thing we're thankful for this year. That usually involves three courses/three thanks/umpteen people. If you would be so kind as to say what you're thankful for this year, then perhaps I will thankfully plagiari{s/z}e your thanks in my little thankful speeches.


  1. An American friend once asked me whether we celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK. At the time, I was living in Plymouth, from where the Mayflower departed, and I was foolish enough to bend the truth a little by saying that we do celebrate it, and that we all get together and say "Hooray! They've gone! Won't be hearing from them any more! Where did they say they were going? America? They'll make nothing of that place, there's nothing there!".

    For some reason, she doesn't speak to me any more.

  2. And now for the serious answer to your question, Lynne.

    What am I thankful for this year? Life. As simple as that. After the sudden deaths this year of three good friends in the UK Scrabble world, and having myself, ten years ago, had a near-fatal accident after which I was not expected to survive, I am very much aware of how fragile the gift of life is, and thankful, this year and every year, for my own life and for the lives of my friends and loved ones.

    My thoughts this Thanksgiving are with a very good friend in America who marked the first anniversary of her mother's death two days ago, and who will be finding the Thanksgiving celebrations particularly difficult this year.

    Sorry this post is so morbid, I'll try to stick to the usual jokey ones in the future.

  3. My house, my husband, my paper journals, my CDs, my health, my parents, my love of boys-in-bands, my great friends, my job even though I hate it, my books, my ducks, my nice warm shower.

  4. Nicely put, Strawman. And thanks to you and Rebecca for being such kind readers.

  5. Mr Tom Dickson of the Blendtec corporation has a wonderful idea for what to do if you invite an uncle with no teeth to your thanksgiving-dinner here.

    I give thanks for faith and family, and in the past year, for being able to get back to studying.


The book!

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AmE = American English
BrE = British English
OED = Oxford English Dictionary (online)