Happy SbaCL Day!




  1. Should someone tell them British birds have been known to use British English when playing Scrabble as well?

  2. This post title showed up on my sidebar in Blogger yesterday, but then the article wasn't actually there. and now it is. Did you put it up then take it down and put it up again? I'm so confused.

    But congrats!

    WV: hypherse - promote her Selective education.

  3. @ROG: I tried to make it a scheduled post, but Blogger kept publishing it early, rather than scheduling it for later--I have no idea why. So, I took it down and reposted it once it was actually SbaCL day. Sorry for any confusion...

  4. Does that use of the word "blokes" imply the author thought it was unisex? "You guys" has been unisex for ages, and is well-known in BrE, but could "a bunch of British guys" include women? (Of course the word "bunch" somewhat destroys the British flavo(r they were presumably aiming at with "bloody" and "blokes".)

  5. I think they were just not particularly worried about gender equity in Scrabble playing.

  6. Without wanting in the slightest to diminish from any well deserved recognition of your efforts, I think the last adjective that I'd use to describe this forum would be "wacky."

  7. I love this calender :)

  8. Congratulations! By the way, are British "birds" the same as American "chicks"?

  9. Yes they are Amy, and equally right on...

    By the way, I'm also due congratulations, because I booked my wedding today. Hooray for my Susan and me! (She's a New Yorker, so we can expect lots of AmE/BrE/ScE conundrums. Or conundra).

  10. Congratulations, Cameron!

    And thanks to all of you for your congratulations...I have no problem being considered 'wacky' (I know quite a few people who would describe me, if not my blog, that way). Wacky publicity/praise is still good publicity/praise.

  11. that calendar is how I found your website today. :)

  12. Welcome alaphrench, and any other newcomers!

    I'm about 200 hits above a usual day so far, so I think it's done some good!

  13. yay, found the blog from my calendar!!! We are Americans serving overseas and stationed in the UK. I can totally relate to this blog. Enjoy the rest of your SbaCL day!!


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AmE = American English
BrE = British English
OED = Oxford English Dictionary (online)